Today: Sep 21, 2024

Opinion | Biden Needs to Take a Strong Stance on Immigration Like Trump Did

Opinion | Biden Needs to Take a Strong Stance on Immigration Like Trump Did
June 8, 2023

Since World War II, the United States has been granting asylum to those who fear persecution based on their race, nationality, religion, political stance, or social group membership. However, with increasing nation-state divisions, many citizens end up at the mercy of warlords and gang leaders. This has led to a huge influx of migrants seeking political asylum in America. Unfortunately, this has overwhelmed America’s antiquated and underfunded asylum system. There are now over two million immigration cases pending in courts, whereas a decade ago there were only around 100,000. The average period for determining asylum claims has ballooned to over four years and often longer.

This situation calls for a reasonable discussion about how the country can maintain a haven for genuinely persecuted people and attract immigrants that can contribute to America’s prosperity in the 21st century. This includes high-energy, low-skilled immigrants, high-IQ risk-takers, and making sure that the flow of immigrants entering America matches economic needs. Furthermore, the country needs to ensure that it can assimilate migrants socially and culturally.

However, such a rational discussion is impossible when many Americans feel that the southern border is out of control. A rational argument is only possible if people feel that there is control over the border and that they have to notify the authorities to enter the country legally.

Californian evidence proves that a strong border can lead to such a debate. Former President Barack Obama’s assistant secretary of Homeland Security, Seth Stodder, pointed out that nearly a quarter of the undocumented population in America lives in California. This “sanctuary state” also protected many law-abiding residents from deportation. However, this was not always the case— in 1994, California voters widely passed Proposition 187, which denied undocumented immigrants access to public benefits. Governor Pete Wilson, who was Republican, campaigned for it and successfully won re-election with advertisements that included a grainy video of immigrants running across the border into San Diego.

Author: OpenAI

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