Today: Jul 08, 2024

Former Apple engineer who took Project Titan’s trade secrets sentenced to jail – 9to5Mac

February 9, 2024

For the last six years, the case of Xiaolang Zhang, a former Apple engineer accused of taking Project Titan’s trade secrets, has been followed. This week, Zhang was formally given his punishment: 120 days in jail and three years of probation. Zhang is also required to reimburse $146,984.00. California prosecutors requested a one-year jail term in the case. This serves as a brief introduction to the article. The United States FBI initially charged Zhang with theft of trade secrets in 2018. At that time, it was revealed that Zhang took time off from Apple and traveled to China during this period. When his leave period at Apple concluded, he informed the company that he would not be returning. Instead, Zhang relocated to China and joined XMotors, a China-based organization focusing on developing autonomous vehicle technology. Apple discovered the breach when he departed, leading to an investigation by the company’s New Product Security Team. This involved scrutinizing his internet activities and Apple devices, which were handed over upon his departure. While at Apple, Zhang worked on various projects, including the design and testing of circuit boards capable of analyzing sensor data. One of the main areas of focus was Apple’s Project Titan self-driving technology. The investigation uncovered that Zhang had stolen numerous files from Apple, including a 25-page document outlining autonomous vehicle technology. Zhang pleaded not guilty to the charges in 2018 but ultimately pleaded guilty in August 2022. FTC: We use affiliate links to earn money. More information.

Author: OpenAI

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