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‘I’m Here to Help the Community’: Former Singing Trees Counselor Starts Online Substance Abuse Recovery Service

‘I’m Here to Help the Community’: Former Singing Trees Counselor Starts Online Substance Abuse Recovery Service
February 10, 2024

‘I’m Here to Help the Community’: Former Singing Trees Counselor Starts Online Substance Abuse Recovery Service

Screenshot from Red Phoenix Recovery’s website###It’s no secret that Humboldt County has long faced a drug epidemic, and that finding treatment for addiction is not always easy, with local recovery centers often packed to capacity. Now a local substance abuse counselor is doing her part to make treatment more accessible for those struggling with Substance Use Disorder (SUD). Marilynne Walpole, who has been working as a certified substance abuse counselor for 10 years, recently launched an online counseling service called Red Phoenix Recovery, which aims to provide an affordable and approachable way for folks in our community to receive counseling for drug and alcohol addiction. “I’m using different therapies like motivational interviewing, cognitive behavioral therapy, methods that actually teach people how to do things differently, instead of just saying, ‘Go to a meeting, and that’s gonna fix it,’” Walpole told the Outpost in an interview Thursday.

Marilynn “Maril” Walpole | Submitted by Walpole Walpole has worked for several different recovery centers and programs in Humboldt, including Humboldt Alcohol Recovery Treatment (HART), which provides programs for people arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and Aegis Treatment Center, which provides medication-assisted treatment (such as methadone) and counseling services. Most recently, Walpole worked at Singing Trees Recovery Center in Southern Humboldt, which is closed for now, following a slew of legal issues related to the new owner. Though Walpole didn’t wish to comment much on the current situation at Singing Trees, she did say that the facility appears to still be closed and that she’s “holding out hope that something’s going to change,” and that the facility will be able to reopen soon. Of course, with Singing Trees not operating at the moment, Walpole is concerned about there being fewer recovery options available in our area, especially in Southern Humboldt. The limited availability of treatment centers in our area is one of the reasons Walpole decided to branch off on her own and start Red Phoenix Recovery. Most of the local centers, like Waterfront Recovery in Eureka, are nearly always booked, with a long list of people waiting to get a bed. Of course there are many options for free group-based programs throughout the county, like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA), but that approach doesn’t always work for everyone, especially someone who might not feel completely comfortable in a group setting. “I think AA and NA are great programs. They’re very helpful,” Walpole said. “But for people that are new in recovery, it can be really intimidating, and there’s a lot of anxiety.” One-on-one counseling can be easier for a lot of people because of the privacy, and having the service available online also has the benefit of the person being able to do sessions in their own home, or someplace they feel comfortable. Another obstacle for many people seeking recovery in our area is that they don’t have a reliable mode of transportation, Walpole said, and this can lead to many people not showing up for in-person meetings or counseling appointments. Using a virtual platform eliminates the patient’s need for a vehicle.There are some challenges that come with virtual counseling too, Walpole said, and it can be more difficult to accurately gauge someone’s condition without seeing them in person. In the future, Walpole plans to expand her business to an office space so that she can see people in person also and be able to offer a hybrid platform tailored to people’s specific needs. But renting an office space can be expensive, so she’s not rushing anything. Not having to pay rent also allows Walpole to keep her rates low because she has relatively no overhead costs. For now, Walpole is able to take appointments over the phone or over Zoom, whichever the client prefers, and she operates on a sliding scale, letting patients pay what they can. Treatment centers and counseling services can be very expensive, which is also often a barrier for those suffering with addiction. Walpole also accepts insurance, and is working on being able to accept Partnership (the insurance provider for people on Medi-Cal), a process that can take about six months. “I think that to me, it’s more about giving to the community and providing the service,” Walpole said. “Not that the money’s not helpful. But I don’t want to make it such a barrier that people can’t afford it. That kind of doesn’t help anybody.” If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction and might want to talk to Walpole, you can find her phone number and email on the Red Phoenix Recovery website. After you reach out, she will work with you to find out what treatment and payment plan will work for you. Walpole can also provide referrals, if you are looking for help finding a treatment center. Walpole’s hours are flexible and she said she keeps her phone on all the time, so that she can be reached any time of the day or night. “I’m here to help the community,” she said.

Author: OpenAI

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