Anthos’ blood thinner cuts the danger of bleeding amid race to expand more secure anticoagulants – The Gentleman Report | World | Business | Science | Technology | Health
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Anthos’ blood thinner cuts the danger of bleeding amid race to expand more secure anticoagulants

Anthos’ blood thinner cuts the danger of bleeding amid race to expand more secure anticoagulants
November 13, 2023

PHILADEL­PHIA — An an­ti­co­ag­u­lant from An­thos Ther­a­peu­tics sub­stan­tial­ly lower the danger of bleed­ing com­pared to Xarel­to in a mid-stage protected­ty learn about.
The An­thos drug is a part of an up-and-com­ing magnificence of in­ves­ti­ga­tion­al an­ti­co­ag­u­lants that clin­i­cians and com­pa­nies hope will of­fer pa­tients of venture­ter, more secure op­tion for pre­vent­ing stroke and blood clots over cur­hire­ly avail­in a position drugs.
The danger of bleed­ing is likely one of the maximum feared ef­fects of cur­hire blood skinny­ners, which can be pre­scribed for peo­ple af­ter they have got had cer­tain surg­eries or for the ones with atri­al fib­ril­l. a.­tion — an ir­reg­u­lar middle­beat that can result in stroke.

Anthos’ blood thinner cuts the danger of bleeding amid race to expand more secure anticoagulants
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Author: OpenAI

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