Wollemi pine trees rising after bushfires –Supplied by John Spencer / National Parks and Wildlife Service
A grove of pine trees from a species that evolved in the Cretaceous Era was discovered in the mountains in a story from Australia that seems like something out of a movie. These living fossils survived the comet impact, subsequent global firestorm that killed the dinosaurs, and two ice ages. The Australian botanists are treating these specimens like a top-secret national treasure.
The Wollemi pine, which evolved 91 million years ago, went extinct according to the fossil record 2 million years ago. However, in 1994, a stand of 90 specimens was found high in the more remote peaks of the Blue Mountains west of Sydney.
Over the past three decades, a team of specialists from the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) of Australia has been planting small clumps of the Wollemi pine in other locations to ensure its survival for another 91 million years.
The appearance of the Wollemi pine differs from typical pine trees. It has apple-green foliage resembling a fern and bark similar to Coco-puffs.
Research scientist Berin Mackenzie explained that the Wollemi Pine seedlings and saplings grow less than one centimeter a year and won’t mature until they can reach the rainforest canopy and access sunlight above.
While visiting the translocation sites, rare and necessary, workers must decontaminate themselves and sanitize their bodies to avoid bringing disease or invasive species that could threaten the trees.
Unauthorized entry into the sites is punishable by up to 2 years in prison and a fine of $330,000 as per the Australian Biodiversity Conservation Act due to the threats posed by parasitical tree diseases.
Wollemi pine seedlings have been sent to botanical gardens worldwide as part of an effort to save the species and discourage unauthorized access to the grove and translocation sites.
Research scientist Berin Mackenzie stressed the importance of intervening to help the species persist, as it was almost extinct when discovered.
The first generation of scientists working on the project now feel that passing on their knowledge and training to their pupils has been a true privilege.
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