Artisan Studios, known for their work on JRPGs, along with Takeshi Oga (known for Gravity Rush, FFXIV, Siren) for illustrations and Hitoshi Sakimoto (known for FFXII, Valkyria Chronicles, Tactics Ogre) for music and audio tracks, have announced Lost Hellden, a new JRPG for PC and consoles set to be released in 2025. The developers have described the world of Lost Hellden as a place called Era, where every life is associated with one of the Seven Sins from birth. People spend their lives battling their desires with the promise of a place in the Holy Land of Hellden for their immortal souls if they succeed, but facing a worse fate than death if they fail and succumb to their sin. The distinctive visuals of Lost Hellden are described as “Deep 2D” and promise a “combat mode” alongside a rich story, deep characters, and extensive customization. Check out the announcement trailer at the top of this page and see the first images above.Ryan McCaffrey is IGN's editor-in-chief of previews and moderator of IGN's weekly Xbox podcast, Podcast Unlocked, and monthly(-ish) interview, IGN Unfiltered. He's a North Jersey guy, so it's “Taylor ham,” not “pork roll.” You can engage with him on Twitter at @DMC_Ryan.