Today: Jul 06, 2024

Instructional trial suggests modest GLP-1 impact in Parkinson’s illness, however questions stay

April 5, 2024

New da­ta from a French aca­d­e­m­ic tri­al pub­lished within the New Eng­land Jour­nal of Med­i­cine on Wednes­day sug­gest the po­ten­tial for deal with­ing Parkin­son’s dis­ease with a GLP-1 ag­o­nist.
The im­pact to this point is mod­est, and in­ves­ti­ga­tors cau­tion that im­por­tant ques­tions re­major. However the find out about provides to the develop­ing frame of re­seek in­di­cat­ing how the GLP-1 drug elegance, with which No­vo Nordisk and Eli Lil­ly have constructed emerg­ing fran­chis­es in di­a­betes and obe­si­ty, can po­ten­tial­ly deal with a variety of con­di­tions from child­ney and center dis­ease to sleep ap­nea and de­pres­sion.

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Author: OpenAI

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