Today: Sep 14, 2024

Israel Has the same opinion to U.S. Request to Prolong Invasion of Gaza

Israel Has the same opinion to U.S. Request to Prolong Invasion of Gaza
October 25, 2023

Israel has agreed, for now, to a request from the U.S. to extend its anticipated flooring invasion of Gaza so the Pentagon can position air defenses within the area to offer protection to U.S. troops, consistent with U.S. officers and folks acquainted with the Israeli making plans.The Pentagon is speeding to deploy just about a dozen air-defense techniques to the area, together with for U.S. troops serving in Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Syria and the United Arab Emirates, to offer protection to U.S. troops from missiles and rockets. U.S. officers have to this point persuaded the Israelis to carry off on sending tanks and foot squaddies into Gaza to finish Hamas rule till the ones items can also be positioned within the area, as early as later this week.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Corporate, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8

Author: OpenAI

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