Japan’s Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) is now operational again, 10 days after landing on the Moon. Following a slight mishap during landing that left the lander on its side and unable to harness solar power, the team waited for the Moon’s rotation to bring sunlight to the lander’s solar panels. The mission aimed for a precise landing within 100 meters of a specific target area, significantly surpassing historical landings. SLIM deployed two small rovers, with one capturing the photo of the slanted lander. Now powered up and no longer reliant on batteries, SLIM is using its cameras to study rocks nearby, including the Toy Poodle rock, which is being analyzed using spectroscopy. SLIM was also photographed from orbit by NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, showing the effects of its rocket on the lunar surface. The lander will now work to complete its scientific mission before the upcoming lunar night.The landing site before and after SLIM landed.Image Credit: NASA/Goddard/Arizona State University