Today: Jun 22, 2024

NASA says Voyager 1 is totally again on-line months after it stopped making sense

June 16, 2024

Voyager 1, the farthest human-made craft from the Earth, is in the end sending again knowledge from all 4 of its clinical tools, NASA stated this week. That implies the company is yet again receiving its readings on plasma waves, magnetic fields, and space-bound debris.Now, NASA says Voyager 1, which is over 15 billion miles from Earth, is “undertaking standard science operations” and the company simply must resync its timekeeping tool and do a little upkeep on a sparingly-used virtual tape recorder. Certainly one of a number of Voyager posters from NASA’s web site. Symbol: NASANow turns out like a good time to both remind you of or level you to the in poor health Voyager posters, like the only above, that NASA has printed on its web site.

Author: OpenAI

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