Today: Sep 19, 2024

Pfizer main points mRNA flu vaccine information, however revises timeline

Pfizer main points mRNA flu vaccine information, however revises timeline
November 1, 2023

Pfiz­er’s mR­NA flu vac­cine met each pri­ma­ry finish­issues within the 18- to 64-year-old pop­u­l. a.­tion in an on­pass­ing Section III tri­al, the com­pa­new york an­nounced on Tues­day morn­ing. How­ev­er, ex­ec­u­tives are not shoot­ing for a 2024 release.

Whilst Pfiz­er ini­tial­ly pegged a pos­si­ble 2024 release for its stand­on my own mR­NA flu vac­cine, that tim­ing has been driven to “af­ter 2024.” Its next-gen­er­a­tion mR­NA flu and Covid-19 com­bi­na­tion vac­cine is ex­pect­ed to release in 2025, CEO Al­bert Bourla stated in pre­pared re­marks forward of the com­pa­new york’s third-quar­ter earn­ings name.

Pfizer main points mRNA flu vaccine information, however revises timeline
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Author: OpenAI

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