Today: Jun 29, 2024

Russia blocks 81 EU media retailers in retaliatory transfer – BBC Information

June 26, 2024

Symbol supply, Getty ImagesImage caption, Russian International Minister Sergei LavrovArticle informationAuthor, Laura GozziRole, BBC News25 June 2024The Kremlin has mentioned it’s blocking off 81 Eu publications in retaliation for an EU ban on some Russian retailers.Magazines, public broadcasters and newspapers from 25 out of 27 EU member states will develop into inaccessible inside of Russia. The Russian executive mentioned it was once implementing “proportional countermeasures” to an EU determination to dam Russian retailers Voice of Europe, RIA Novosti, Izvestia and Rossiyskaya Gazeta on 17 Might. On the time Brussels accused the publications of “spreading and supporting Russian propaganda and struggle of aggression in opposition to Ukraine”.The record of blacklisted media contains Europe-wide retailers similar to Politico and EU Observer, Eire’s public broadcaster RTE, France’s Le Monde newspaper and Germany’s Der Spiegel mag. A number of Italian retailers, like public broadcaster Rai and newspaper Los angeles Repubblica, can even see their get right of entry to limited. Italy’s Ministry of International Affairs condemned the verdict, announcing that “it’ll no longer erase the results of a violent, devastating and unlawful struggle”.America mentioned the Russian executive was once “fearful of their very own other people listening to the reality”. Eu Fee Vice President Vera Jourova mentioned the ban was once “nonsense retaliation,” including that “propaganda retailers funded through Russia to unfold disinformation as a part of Russia’s army doctrine don’t seem to be the similar as unbiased media”.Moscow mentioned it could imagine rescinding the ban if restrictions in opposition to Russian media retailers have been lifted.Russian state-backed information channel RT had its licence to broadcast within the EU revoked in a while after Russia introduced its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.Round the similar time, Russia limited get right of entry to to a number of Western web pages, together with the BBC, accusing them of spreading “false knowledge”.

Author: OpenAI

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Symbol caption, Jan (70) and Els (71) photographed two days earlier than