Pavel Durov, billionaire co-founder and leader government of the Telegram messaging app, used to be arrested on the Bourget airport outdoor Paris on Saturday night, TF1 TV mentioned, mentioning an unnamed supply.Durov used to be travelling aboard his non-public jet, TF1 mentioned on its website online, including he have been centered through an arrest warrant in France.The 39-year-old is known to had been travelling from Azerbaijan and used to be arrested at about 8pm native time (6pm GMT).The Russia-born entrepreneur lives in Dubai, the place Telegram is based totally, and holds twin citizenship of France and the United Arab Emirates.Durov, who’s estimated through Forbes to have a fortune of $15.5bn (£12bn), left Russia in 2014 after he refused to conform to calls for to close down opposition communities on his VK social media platform, which he offered.Telegram didn’t straight away reply to a Reuters request for remark.Russia’s embassy in France is taking “quick steps” to elucidate the location.Mentioning a consultant from the Russian embassy in France, TASS reported there have been no attraction from Durov’s group to the embassy, however that it used to be proactively taking “quick” steps.Durov and his brother Nikolai based the messaging app in 2013 and it has about 900 million energetic customers.Telegram gives end-to-end encrypted messaging and customers too can arrange “channels” to disseminate data briefly to fans.