The North Korean Defector Who’s Been Known as a ‘Hero of Ukraine’ – The Gentleman Report | World | Business | Science | Technology | Health
Today: Mar 18, 2025

The North Korean Defector Who’s Been Known as a ‘Hero of Ukraine’

The North Korean Defector Who’s Been Known as a ‘Hero of Ukraine’
March 5, 2025

SEOUL—When Ukraine was once scrambling this iciness to know how to answer the specter of 1000’s of North Korean squaddies deployed to struggle along Russia, it became to somebody steeped in Pyongyang’s tactics: a North Korean defector.Lee Seongmin, a 37-year-old human-rights employee who’s an Ivy League graduate and fluent in English, has helped Ukrainian forces perceive the motives riding Kim Jong Un’s younger warring parties, translating key paperwork and shaping antiregime leaflets intended to steer North Korean squaddies to give up.Copyright ©2025 Dow Jones & Corporate, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8

Author: OpenAI

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