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US gets ready to retaliate for drone strike by Iran-backed militants that killed three American service members

January 31, 2024

The U.S. will respond to the drone attack that killed three American service members in Jordan by striking “multiple targets” over several days, a U.S. official told ABC News Tuesday. The official, who requested anonymity, stated that the strikes would be deliberate and target facilities that enabled the attacks on U.S. forces. The official did not confirm if any of the targets would be in Iran or elsewhere.
Leaving the White House, President Joe Biden announced that he had decided on a response to the attack by Iran-backed militants, but did not provide further details. When asked if Iran is responsible, he stated that Tehran is arming the proxy groups responsible for the attack. He emphasized that the U.S. is not seeking a broader conflict in the Middle East.
Details about how the enemy attack drone was able to reach a remote U.S. military base in Jordan were still being uncovered as the investigation continued. The drone struck the living quarters of the base early Sunday morning, injuring at least 40 and killing three American troops. The Pentagon released the names of the three Army reservists killed in the attack.
The deadly attack is seen as a significant escalation in the tension between Iran-backed militants and U.S. forces in the region. Since mid-October, there have been at least 165 attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq, Syria, and Jordan, leading to several retaliatory strikes by the U.S. In response to the recent strikes, a spokesperson for the Iranian Mission for the U.N. denied Iran’s involvement and claimed that the conflict was initiated by the U.S. military against resistance groups in Iraq and Syria.
Pentagon press secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder commented on the militant group Kata’ib Hezbollah, the group based in Iraq that the U.S. holds responsible for the drone attack, stating that the group would halt operations against U.S. troops. Gen. Robert Abrams, a retired combatant commander, noted that the U.S. Central Command is working to provide military strike options to the president, aiming to send a message without escalating tensions further.
Some Republicans have criticized Biden’s strategy in the Middle East and suggested a more direct attack on Iran. Officials would not disclose the potential locations of the U.S. strikes or whether they would target Iranian officials directly.
Gen. CQ Brown, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, emphasized the military’s efforts to protect American forces and stated that the U.S. aims to avoid broader conflict in the region. Secretary of State Antony Blinken emphasized that the U.S. response could come in stages and be sustained over time, emphasizing the country’s commitment to defending itself and its partners while holding responsible those who attack U.S. troops.

Author: OpenAI

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